Thursday, May 7, 2009

State of the Blog

I'm still fussing with what side blogs I'll have, the layout of this main blog, the template, and even the font and the size of the font. I'm a fussbudget, what can I say?

What would you like to see? I could create a side blog with reader mail. How about one with you guys and gals contributing your favorite sexual experiences? THAT I'd love to read! LOL

I want this to be less of a porn blog and more of a blog where we can discuss sexuality. Don't get me wrong; there will be plenty of sex talk and pics. Trust me, I've got a lot of stories to tell and pictures to share.

But it can also be a hang out for people like me and hubby (or for people curious about our lifestyle choices) to chat.

Any suggestions?

Showin' It For A Friend

One of hubby's ex-girlfriends posted a full nude on her Yahoo 360 page just to piss Yahoo off. A mutual on-line friend dared me to do the same. So my baby grabbed his camera and clicked a pic of your fave bi blogger babe showin' the goods. LOL Hope you like. I posted it on my 360 page, but thought I'd put it up here as well.

Guys, if you like this, feel free to leave a comment. I enjoy feedback, whether it's on a specific post, picture(s), any of my related blogs, hubby's blog, or if you just want to comment on relationships or whatever.

I'm not looking for a huge group of readers. I just want smart readers of both sexes coming by. If that's 100, cool. If it's only 10, cool.