Simple. Seven years ago, these two morons stole the Dodgers and Jamie proclaimed herself to be the first female CEO in MLB.
I could go out and buy X Inc. with money I borrowed (from the people I was buying X Inc. from, no less) and waltz in and proclaim myself the first female CEO of X. Inc. Big whoop.
This isn't to say that Evil Jamie isn't quite intelligent. She went to Georgetown and was a practicing attorney in securities law and international law as well as several other areas. She taught at MIT and UCLA. No, a dope she is not.
She isn't a role model, either. She didn't spend years clawing up some corporate ladder, especially in the sports world. THAT she bought herself.
Kim Ng, on the other hand.....
She used to work for the Dodgers. Smart, smart lady. Yet when it came time to name a general manager for the team--well, one of the many times under the Newscorp/McCourt regimes--she was passed over. Instead of becoming MLB's first female GM, Kim eventually went to work for MLB itself.
Yeah, it's not like spending nine or so years as the team's vice president and assistant GM actually qualified her for the job. don't think Jamie and her giant ego couldn't handle all the attention Kim would have gotten as MLB's first female GM, do you? Nahhhhhhhhhhh!
Now for a young lady named Sue Falsone.
You probably haven't heard of her. She's the first women to ever become the head trainer for a professional sports team in the United States.
Here's Sue talking about her new position onthe Dodgers' website. Very, very cool.
You'll notice a few things. One, she deftly handles the "female in a man's world" issue without by making it a non-issue. Two, with Sue, it's all about the team and the training staff. Three, she talks about her background without making it an opportunity to glorify herself (in other words, she's humble--something Jamie never was).
So, Jamie, there's the difference between you and Sue and Kim. Those are two women who really DID open doors for other women through hard work and dedication. Sue went out and busted her ass to get this far, and when Kim finally becomes a GM, it'll be for the same reason. You, well, maybe you worked hard in the legal field, but not in sports. You bought your status in sports.
They didn't.
One of these is not like the others......
So part of my dislike (there are so many other reasons to despise her, trust me) of Jamie isn't that she and her ex bought the Dodgers and she made herself the CEO. Big deal. My issue is....hey, look who I am! Look what I did!
Yeah. You bought something with borrowed money and gave yourself a title. Wow. That's never happened before.
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