Yes. It's all his fault.
I posted the last entry without actually checking the news. It seems that the mob mentality, led by such deep intellects as Sports Illustrated's what's-his-name, Mike "Politically Correct Ass-Kisser" Greenburg, Mike "I.Q. of 12" Golic and that reptile Jim Rome got their way. Throw in that boob Tony Kornheiser, as well.
Anyway, Joe Paterno announced his retirement today, effective at the end of the season. Of course, that's not good enough for the morally outraged!
Hey, mob, you feel good? Did you get that taste of blood you desired? Did it quench your thirst?
The REAL outrage is the rush to judgement. The REAL outrage is that people are more pissed at Paterno than the guy actually accused of molesting children. The REAL outrage is people aren't railing that Paterno's superiors should be run out.
No, it's all about Paterno. The guy who reported the incident to his superiors.
Note to the mob: Don't cry when YOU don't get a fair shake. Don't cry when YOU don't get more than a few days to deal with a crisis. Don't cry when you don't get any kind of due process. Don't cry when you don't get a shred of the benefit of the doubt.
Don't cry when you're accused of sexual harassment and everybody immediately deems you a pervert. Don't cry when your daughter's friend says you TSA'd her and the neighborhood chases you out of your home, even if you're innocent. Don't cry when you're accused of fudging your expense report and are forced to "retire".
Don't cry. Be happy!
You see, YOUR view of how justice should work is merely being implemented! Sure, it sucks when it's you. But hey, it's always easier to love the kangaroo court when you're not the one in it.
When you had a chance to stand up and say, "Hey, let's slow down just a little bit here!", you didn't. You joined the oh-so-conveniently outraged.
Jerry Seinfeld once said on his show that sometimes the road less taken, is less taken for a reason. Absolutely.
The cowards--yes, cowards--who were screaming for this had no interest in the truth. They wanted a scapegoat and they got him. And there were able to pound their fists to their chests and proclaim what great people they were for feeling this way.
This isn't about the victims. It never was. If these people cared about the victims, they wouldn't be screaming like jackasses. They'd be advocating finding out all of the facts, not just the facts that fit. They'd want to find out what organizational and communication flaws went on. They'd want to see what could be done to prevent this alleged horror from ever repeating.
That's not what this is about.
No, trust me, Meathead and Man-Girl used Mike & Mike to show off what true morons they are. They succeeded. As did Rome and everyone else. And so did everyone who trembled in arrogance and mock outrage.
Props to J.A. Andande of ESPN who has advocated essentially the same points here: slow down and find out how everything went down. His voice, sadly, wasn't nearly enough.
You reap what you sow. I hope you enjoy living in 1600s Salem.
Congratulations, outraged ones. I'm sure the victims are high-fiving each other now that JoePa will be gone. It's like you turned back time so none of this ever happened! Wow!
Ah, you have truly scaped the goat.
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