Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Be Proud, You Were Loud

Yes. It's all his fault.
I posted the last entry without actually checking the news. It seems that the mob mentality, led by such deep intellects as Sports Illustrated's what's-his-name, Mike "Politically Correct Ass-Kisser" Greenburg, Mike "I.Q. of 12" Golic and that reptile Jim Rome got their way. Throw in that boob Tony Kornheiser, as well.
Anyway, Joe Paterno announced his retirement today, effective at the end of the season. Of course, that's not good enough for the morally outraged!
Hey, mob, you feel good? Did you get that taste of blood you desired? Did it quench your thirst?
The REAL outrage is the rush to judgement. The REAL outrage is that people are more pissed at Paterno than the guy actually accused of molesting children. The REAL outrage is people aren't railing that Paterno's superiors should be run out.
No, it's all about Paterno. The guy who reported the incident to his superiors.
Note to the mob: Don't cry when YOU don't get a fair shake. Don't cry when YOU don't get more than a few days to deal with a crisis. Don't cry when you don't get any kind of due process. Don't cry when you don't get a shred of the benefit of the doubt.
Don't cry when you're accused of sexual harassment and everybody immediately deems you a pervert. Don't cry when your daughter's friend says you TSA'd her and the neighborhood chases you out of your home, even if you're innocent. Don't cry when you're accused of fudging your expense report and are forced to "retire".
Don't cry. Be happy!
You see, YOUR view of how justice should work is merely being implemented! Sure, it sucks when it's you. But hey, it's always easier to love the kangaroo court when you're not the one in it.
When you had a chance to stand up and say, "Hey, let's slow down just a little bit here!", you didn't. You joined the oh-so-conveniently outraged.
Jerry Seinfeld once said on his show that sometimes the road less taken, is less taken for a reason. Absolutely.
The cowards--yes, cowards--who were screaming for this had no interest in the truth. They wanted a scapegoat and they got him. And there were able to pound their fists to their chests and proclaim what great people they were for feeling this way.
This isn't about the victims. It never was. If these people cared about the victims, they wouldn't be screaming like jackasses. They'd be advocating finding out all of the facts, not just the facts that fit. They'd want to find out what organizational and communication flaws went on. They'd want to see what could be done to prevent this alleged horror from ever repeating.
That's not what this is about.
No, trust me, Meathead and Man-Girl used Mike & Mike to show off what true morons they are. They succeeded. As did Rome and everyone else. And so did everyone who trembled in arrogance and mock outrage.
Props to J.A. Andande of ESPN who has advocated essentially the same points here: slow down and find out how everything went down. His voice, sadly, wasn't nearly enough.
You reap what you sow. I hope you enjoy living in 1600s Salem.
Congratulations, outraged ones. I'm sure the victims are high-fiving each other now that JoePa will be gone. It's like you turned back time so none of this ever happened! Wow!
Ah, you have truly scaped the goat.
Randomly Random Thoughts.
My views are coming close to catching hubby's. You see, he hasn't posted since the end of July. Now, his entries are a lot more detailed and take much more work than mine. And his blog is much more anthology-based than mine. It's strictly a collection of his experiences.
Still, he's been slacking.
But all this time, his views consistently climb. It's not just feeding off other blogs. I think a ton of people who don't officially follow his blog still come by.
Fair enough.
Last night, I came within three hundred views. It was close....I was going to pass him again. Then somehow, some way.......the next time I checked his page.....he had picked up around three or four hundred more views!
I have no idea how this is happening. He's far too impatient to go to his own blog and hit the refresh button over and over again.
And in a day or two or three, he'll sit his ass down, and finish an entry he's been working on. And his views will shoot up like he injected Cialis into his blog.
This is the blogging equivalent of Promethius--or whoever it was--pushing that fucking rock up a hill only to see it fall back down again and again.
The sad irony? He couldn't care less about his views. Not one bit. And that's what drives me crazy!
If I didn't love him, I'd like beat him up or something.
My newest best friend forever, Svetlana, and I not only share an interest in topics of a sexual nature, but our birthdays are on one and the same day! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!
Uh....she's celebrated fewer than I..... Maybe I should beat up my hubby to make up for my pretend mid-life crisis. That'll learn him!
Okay, Mitzie's royal girlfriend, CG, has--ever since we've known her--insisted that not only do unicorns exist, but that she has every intention of getting one.
Okay, fine. Then a few weeks ago, CG comes in and says to hubby, "If I find a unicorn, I can have one, right?"
And CG goes back up to her apartment, happy as always.
Okay, time to talk to the spouse.
"Really? REALLY? They don't exist!"
"Alex, have you ever seen a unicorn?"
"Of course not."
"Of course not."
"Then how do you know that they don't exist?"
Okay, THAT'S something CG would say. Oh well. Like everyone else, he adores CG, so hey, if CG can find a unicorn, she can have one.
Then a few days ago, Lori posts the following picture on CG's Facebook page.
The lovely girl on the horse is Charlie Laine, who is a big time porn star. She does only solo and girl-girl scenes. And Charlie is very active on Twitter and posted this.
So........if I were a conspiracy nut.....
Lori calls Charlie. Charlie then gets on a horse with a fake horn on it. Charlie then posts this on Twitter and Lori posts it on FB.
Nah. But if anyone COULD get Charlie in on something like this, it would probably be Lori.
A professional shot of Charlie.
Back in the day, the early nineties, my porn crush was an insanely hot lady named Victoria Paris. Now, my porn crush is devoted to Charlie!
Oh have mercy.
I chatted a few times, quite awhile back, with a guy who was fairly nice. He came here, read the blog and even the Rules of Engagement and PM'd me. Hey, if some guy bothers to read a side-blog as well as the main blog, that's impressive.
So we talked. Pretty nice guy. We chatted once in awhile, but not consistently.
Then he started pushing to meet. I said no. Then again. And he expected not only to meet me, but Lori and Shelly.
To top it off, this was a guy with no profile pic and wouldn't even say what part of the country he lived in or even his first name. Seriously. And yet, I was supposed to meet him.
Yes, I'm going to order these grown women to come over and fuck some guy I met in a fucking chat room. Really?
He said that rules were made to be broken. I said that rules were made to be followed. Then I told him that I was putting him on ignore and that he wasn't welcome at Lexenomics any longer. I can't keep him from visiting, but fuck, if he's reading this, then, well.....
Suck it. And go away. You aren't welcome here. You overstepped your bounds. You knew the rules and decided, hey, they didn't apply to you. They did.
But he did inspire me to create a new side-blog, "I Will Not Meet You."
So if you're a girl, please heed my warning. There are inherent dangers to sleeping around. When your gut says something is wrong, it's because usually something is. That gut feeling is a sixth sense. Your instincts aren't wrong.
Better safe, than sorry. And you know what? Apply this to guys, as well. If you must meet someone off-line, be wary. Be careful. Listen to your gut, not your pussy or dick.
It's not their job to keep you out of trouble. All they care about is getting you laid and some serious orgasms. That's fine. That's their job.
But being safe? That job belongs to your brain and instincts. If you're going to make a mistake, make sure that mistake is in being overly cautious, not the opposite. Cautious will never hurt you; recklessness often will.
Now there's another guy, he's awesome. Dodger fan that lives in Florida. Super-cool guy. I talk to him every few weeks. Major-league handsome, too. I just wanted to give him a shout-out.
Boy, Facebook is addictive. Not to hubby. He has a page, but gets on it like once every ten days. Me? I have to get on it every day. I think I need to enter rehab.
Someone emailed hubby. "No way do I believe your blog. All your supposed girlfriends are pretty." Hubby emailed back, "Yeah, I should only fuck ugly women. Is your wife, daughter, sister or mother available?"
Cold, but hilarious!
Hey, if you're going to say something stupid, you're not going to be treated well. Just something to keep in mind on your journey through life. Remember: you're owed nothing and you'll be treated according to how you behave. That simple.
Mind putting down your pitchforks and torchs for a sec? I'll be as succinct as possible.
We could wait until all the facts come out in the Joe Paterno controversy or take the stance of this self-righteous know-it-all. But then again, what sports magazine is more politically correct and self-righteous than this once-great-but-now-crappy publication, Sports Illustrated? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.
Outside of Don Banks and Peter King, its rubbish.
Now, I could go into protocol and procedure and whether did Paterno do or not do enough, blah, blah, but I won't. All I will say is that protocol and procedure are written for a reason and are to be followed for a reason.
But it's scapegoat time, and before any rationale and reason can enter the discussion, Paterno will be the former coach of Penn State. I'm not saying that Paterno shouldn't go. I'm not saying that he should. But why not wait for everything to settle down just a touch?
Nah. He has to go. Our moral indignation has spoken. And the lynch mob will pat itself on the back that it took action swiftly and decisively. TEENY TINY pesky fact for you in the mob to chew on. The former coaching assistant, Jerry Sandusky, hasn't actually know.....convicted of a fucking thing. Well, yet. But where's there's smoke there's fire.
Or is there?
There was plenty of smoke during the McMartin preschool scandal in the 1980s. And after years of court action and trials, and lead stories and front page headlines, it turned out to be just that: smoke. Yet when that broke, you would swear that these horrible people had repeatedly molested every child that walked in there or set foot within a two-mile range of the preschool. Didn't quite turn out that way in the end, though.
Ah, but we acted swiftly and decisively then, didn't we? There was smoke! We responded with anger, indignation, revulsion and every other emotion deemed worthy of the event.
That's the part that didn't make the front page.
The McMartins weren't the only ones, either. There have been many people wrongly convicted and sent to prison based upon the testimony of children and court-appointed "experts" wih their own agendas.
But don't let that little inconvenient fact stop you. Don't let the fact that no investigation that probed any of Paterno's action or inaction over the past several years has been conducted slow you down.
All the news that fits, right? Shoot first, ask later. Shooting first and shooting fast always results in a bullseye, right?
One more thing: all this "As a parent, I....." crap? That's bullshit. Anybody of reasonable mind feels child molestation is a horrible thing. I know it's shocking to you parents, but us childless folks don't deem this crime to be anything but horrid.
And if you use it to advance the argument/agenda that Joe Paterno must go right now right this second it can't come fast enough justice must be served if you don't agree you like child abuse you fucking pervert, it's just self-serving. And it's really insulting, to be honest.
Think about it.
Paterno's had a stellar civil and professional record for over sixty years. Read it again. Sixty years. Has that not earned him at least enough benefit of the doubt so that he isn't run off in a whopping 72 hours? Or is everybody so anxious to win the "I'm More Righteous and Indignant Than You" Sweepstakes that six decades of good citizenship is irrelevant?
Nah. It's not like we have to worry about buyer's remorse. You only get that after you give up something of value (money, usually) and end up buying something we didn't want after all. Everybody who slandered and prosecuted the McMartins suffered no remorse. Nobody will here, either.
I can guarantee you this as well: some chucklehead is going to use what I just said as some kind of proof that I'm an apologist for Paterno.
That's just the collateral damage you get when you don't endorse the rush to judgement.
I'm just waiting for Gloria Allred to find a way to weasle her self-serving ass into this.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Two REAL Women of Achievment!
So why do I bang so hard on Jamie McCourt?
Simple. Seven years ago, these two morons stole the Dodgers and Jamie proclaimed herself to be the first female CEO in MLB.
I could go out and buy X Inc. with money I borrowed (from the people I was buying X Inc. from, no less) and waltz in and proclaim myself the first female CEO of X. Inc. Big whoop.
This isn't to say that Evil Jamie isn't quite intelligent. She went to Georgetown and was a practicing attorney in securities law and international law as well as several other areas. She taught at MIT and UCLA. No, a dope she is not.
She isn't a role model, either. She didn't spend years clawing up some corporate ladder, especially in the sports world. THAT she bought herself.
Kim Ng, on the other hand.....
She used to work for the Dodgers. Smart, smart lady. Yet when it came time to name a general manager for the team--well, one of the many times under the Newscorp/McCourt regimes--she was passed over. Instead of becoming MLB's first female GM, Kim eventually went to work for MLB itself.
Yeah, it's not like spending nine or so years as the team's vice president and assistant GM actually qualified her for the job. don't think Jamie and her giant ego couldn't handle all the attention Kim would have gotten as MLB's first female GM, do you? Nahhhhhhhhhhh!
Now for a young lady named Sue Falsone.
You probably haven't heard of her. She's the first women to ever become the head trainer for a professional sports team in the United States.
Here's Sue talking about her new position onthe Dodgers' website. Very, very cool.
You'll notice a few things. One, she deftly handles the "female in a man's world" issue without by making it a non-issue. Two, with Sue, it's all about the team and the training staff. Three, she talks about her background without making it an opportunity to glorify herself (in other words, she's humble--something Jamie never was).
So, Jamie, there's the difference between you and Sue and Kim. Those are two women who really DID open doors for other women through hard work and dedication. Sue went out and busted her ass to get this far, and when Kim finally becomes a GM, it'll be for the same reason. You, well, maybe you worked hard in the legal field, but not in sports. You bought your status in sports.
They didn't.
One of these is not like the others......
So part of my dislike (there are so many other reasons to despise her, trust me) of Jamie isn't that she and her ex bought the Dodgers and she made herself the CEO. Big deal. My issue is....hey, look who I am! Look what I did!
Yeah. You bought something with borrowed money and gave yourself a title. Wow. That's never happened before.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sorry Jamie, I couldn't resist!
Nah Nah Nah Nah.....

Goodbye Frank and Jamie. Someday, I hope a safe falls upon your evil heads.
You are scum. You came and treated people like shit. It's nice to see that it's all finally caught up to you.
Oh, I have so much more to say. But right now, I'm just happy that Jamie's gone and will soon be followed by her ex, Frank.
Sigh. First Newscorp, and then this raw sewage. It's been a long decade......
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