So to recap.......I had been masturbatng since I was 12. And baby, I liked it. I liked it A LOT. And I continued to do it. A LOT.
In December, being a curious slut-in-training, I realized that I needed some more fodder for my imagination during my special hand-under-the-covers sessions. A romance novel just wasn't the ticket. And as much as I love Xaviera, you can only read a book so many times. In short, I needed some fresh material.
Of course, my brother had already supplied me with some needed info: Xaviera wrote that column in Penthouse. And I heard about Penthouse Forum as well. I needed to get me a little of that action.
But being 13 at that time, how on earth would I get my grubby little paws on a Penthouse? It wasn't like I could just waltz into the local adult bookstore. Yeah, I could "older" myself up with some makeup, but not that much.
Then it hit me.
My school was very close to home. So close, in fact, that I usually just walked home. Both of my parents worked, so it was easier on them. And on the way home, there was a convenience store I stopped at every day. I'd get a coke and drink it on my way home. And they had Forums, Playboys, Penthouses, all those types of magazines.
Of course, they wouldn't sell them to anyone under 18. That certainly sucked. And I had seen guys try only to get shot down by the clerks. But there was one clerk I thought I might have a shot at. His name was Greg. He was 18, really super-duper cute, and a student at Mt. SAC (Mount San Antonio College), a local junior college.
He was super-nice, too. I'd always flirt--or do something that I thought was flirting--with him. He'd humor me and send me on my way. But he did give me some nice looks whenever I went in, if you know what I mean.
And, by the way, there's nothing wrong with that. I had a nice body and guys are visually-oriented. So I thought it was cool that he'd look at my ass some. Men like to look, girls like to show. That's just how we're all wired, folks. And I had a nice little body at that age.
So I kept going in, waiting for Greg to be working. My plan all depended on him. It had to be him. And there he was, one day not long after I hatched my brilliant plan. I waltzed into the store in my tight, tight jeans. We exchanged hellos and I went to the fountain area to get my Coke. I was fucking nervous. I mean, it's so easy when it's all in you head. But when it comes to actually doing
I took my Coke up to the register. And I decided to just ask for the magazines.
"And a Penthouse and Forum!"
He looked at me and laughed. Not just a little laugh--no, this was a "hey that's a good one!" laugh.
"Yeah, right Alex. Very funny."
"No, I want them. Really."
He had a "what the fuck?" look on his face.
"Well, joke or not, you're not getting them."
"Ah, c'mon Greg! No one will know!"
"Alex, it's illegal for me to sell these to you."
Yeah, that pretty much went as expected.
So I leaned on the counter, put my chin in my hands and gave him the cutsie-pie blinkey-blinkey routine and coupled it with a little vixen smile.
"Nice try. You're a chick. What do you want this stuff for?"
"I like the stories."
"You're only 13!"
"Yeeeeeeeeahhhhhh......I know....but I like them."
"I'm sorry, Alex."
"And I thought you were cool," I teased.
He laughed again.
"Well, I'm not."
I let out a diva sigh. He laughed again. I paid for my Coke and was on my way.
When I got to the door, I looked back and said, "It's okay. You're still cool," and smiled. He laughed and I was on my way.
The next day I stopped in again. Greg was there. Had I an ounce of shame, I might've been at least a little embarrassed. But I wasn't. We talked and joked around for a bit and then he said,"Do you still want those magazines?"
"Oh yeah."
"You promise not to tell anybody where you got them?"
"I promise. But why'd you change your mind?"
"You're pretty responsible. I can take your word. And I don't want you trying to sneak into an adult bookstore or asking a stranger to buy one for you."
"No one will know. My parents will ground me till I'm 30 if they find these."
It's a promise I knew I could keep. I had a sweet hiding place where I could stash ill-gotten goods safely. I paid for the Forum and Penthouse and thanked Greg. I promised him that if I got caught with them, his name would never come up.
Greg had the next day off, so I said, "I'll let you know how I liked them on Thursday!" and left. I went home and paged through the pics in the Penthouse. Penthouse often features pictorials of two women going at it. Sure, it's staged, but still hot. I put my new treasures into my hiding place and went about doing my homework.
Later I would reward myself. I knocked off my homework and worked on a couple of future assignments, just to get a head start on them. Soon, my mom was calling us down for dinner.
After dinner, went back up to my room. I stared at the Penthouse and Forum and decided to do some more schoolwork. I was already pretty far ahead in my studies, but for some reason was apprehensive about actually opening up my new literature.
I read Xaviara's column. Pretty cool. A lot of sex/relationship stuff. Not super hot. But it was an honor to read whatever this great lady had to say.
Then I turned to the Forum section of the magazine. I figured I'd go through those then hit the Forum Digest.
After two letters, my hand was between my legs again. And it didn't take long for me to reach Orgasm Land. And after I finished, a thought came to me: wouldn't this be better with a partner? I mean, if I could do this to myself, what could the real deal do?
But....I didn't have a boyfriend. I was two years younger than most of my classmates. And while that isn't a big deal when you get older, it kind of was then. And to top it off, I really wasn't the most popular kid in school.
Besides, I figured, if I had a boyfriend and fucked him, he might tell his friends. No, that wasn't the safe route to go. I had to figure out another way to get laid.
And I'll pick this up with my next post.
I really like how this story is progressing. It makes me wonder what girls I knew that were doing similar things at that age back then.