Lilly (on the left) set up the timer on her camera and we struck a pose.
Now you remember me mentioning Robbie's, the gay and lesbian bar I mention in the Paul & Brian & Karen entry? You do? Good!
Robbie's turned out to be a wonderful place for me to hook-up with women. No ties, no commitments, just girl and girl fun. Most were one-night stands, but some were short-term deals. Like my husband, it's why I preferred married women (and men, for that matter). Sex with none of the hassles of a relationship is awesome!
So about 11 months after meeting Karen, I went there one Friday night to find some lady who was looking for some fun. I went in and grabbed a bar stool and Leo, the insanely cute tender of the bar, saw me and brought me a beer. He teased me and we joked around for a minute before he had to go back to work.
Leo kicked ass. He looked a lot like Tyler Florence, one of the chefs on Food Network. Tyler's super-cute. And Leo could've been his twin.
Sigh.....too bad I really wasn't Leo's cup of tea...... LOL
Anyway, after an hour of perusing (and avoiding) some ladies that I wasn't really interested in, I spotted a blonde lady who appeared to be in her early thirties.
I smiled at her and she smiled back. In Lexie-Land, that means, "move in and seal the deal."
I walked over and introduced myself and we started chatting. Her name was Lilly. She was married, had a couple of kids, and was a teacher.
Pretty soon, we were finishing our drinks and heading over to a nearby motel. We split the room cost and went in.
We started kissing and feeling each other up. Then we stripped down and take turns sucking on each other's nipples. Then she kissed me and says, "Honey, do you like rough sex?"
Well, that depends on what "rough sex" means, right?
As she explained it, she really didn't mean "rough" as she did "hard" or "intense". I said, sure. She kissed me again and smiled and said, "I won't do anything you don't want to do." Before I could say, "okay", she gently shoved me and I fell back onto the bed.
She took my legs, spread them, and pushed them up high and forward. Then she took her tongue and ran it around my asshole and then up my pussy. Then she really went to work, sucking my clit and sliding two fingers into my pussy while the back of my thighs were pushed abainst her shoulders.
I didn't time it, but if I had to guess, I'd estimate that it took a minute before I was crying out, arching my back, and climaxing. After I came, my body was still shaking. I heard her say, "That's my girl."
Then she eased me onto my stomach and spread my legs again. Then she gave me the most incredible rim job I had ever had. My head was resting on my arms and I knew she'd be bringing me to another orgasm.
But there was a pleasurable detour.
After pushing her tongue into my ass several times--which almost made me cum--she took her finger and slid it into my ass. She started slowly and increased her speed. I can still hear the sound of it going in and out.
This chick dug ass play.
And so did I. She made me cum again, this time as hard as the first time. Right when I was starting to cum, she shoved her finger all the way in again and kept the pressure on as hard as she could. It was incredible.
After I came, I turned over onto my back. Lilly then straddled my face and I began eating her out. I remember how hot it was watching her play with her breasts and nipples while I tongued her. Soon she threw her head back and let out a loud.....well, it was like a shriek and a groan. Whatever it was, it was loud.
We spent the next few hours going at it pretty heavy. She was great. I loved how intense she was; it really heightened my own intensity and enjoyment. Then it was time for her to get home, so we showered and she drove me back to Robbie's so I could get my car.
We exchanged numbers and kissed goodbye.
Over the next month we got together a few more times. And every time was intense, very physical, and really erotic. I liked being around a woman who could dish it out and take it as well. Sometimes you like the more subtle aspects of sex; sometimes, you just want to flat-out fuck. And Lilly was great at just flat-out fucking.
I think it was the fourth time that we were together when it started getting.......
a little odd.
We had had a nice session and my head was laying on her shoulder. Lilly said, "If I were single....didn't have kids....I'd love a life with you."
Excuse me?
So I did the old think and think fast bit. "Yeah, Lilly, that would be great."
Well, fuck, it was the best I could come up with. Sue me. I've never been happier that a woman had given birth.
After we parted ways that day, I really considered ending it. I was pretty sure that she was in love with me--well, what she considered love. Then again, what was the harm? When she was with me, all she was doing was living the life she dreamed of: being a partner in a lesbian relationship.
If she wanted to do that once a week, no big deal. For a couple of hours a week, she was gay, we were in love, and that was that. We'd meet, and then she'd go home happy and relaxed and back to being mom, teacher and wife.
And it never progressed. She'd do all the sappy, stupid in-love stuff that people do when we were together and that was that. I let her believe that she was the only woman in my life (snort, guffaw, laugh, chuckle, etc....). The sex was always fantastic.
There were no bunnies boiling on the stove. No Lilly in a tree peering through my window with binoculars (then again, I never told her where I lived, either). No stalking. Nothing scary.
I should've ended it though. There was something just a little off about Lilly. I couldn't put my finger on it, but that little voice in my head told me to meet her for lunch and tell her it was over. Just spare her feelings and tell her that I'd be going to school in another state.
But I was young. I knew everything. And I knew I could handle Lilly. So what? The woman was a BIT into the whole "you and me" deal. It was merely a woman playing out her fantasy.
Yeah, smart move Alex.
About two months after we met, in late August, she called me. She wanted to know if I wanted to spend the week in Puerto Rico. She had originally been planning to go with hubby, but an emergency at work forced him to bow out. They had already made arrangements for their kids to spend the week with her parents, so he suggested that Lilly find a friend and take her.
Now had I not been such an arrogant little twit, I would've listened to Paul and Brian and said no way. But hey, I was 19 and knew everything there was to know. We could fly down to Puerto Rico, spend a week on the beach, drinking, having sex and doing some sightseeing.
And the best part is that I wouldn't be out a dime!
Fuck, let's get this party started! I was done with my summer employment at Acme, so hey, might as well have some fun before hitting the books again!
Guys, it was a free week in Puerto Rico! YEAH!
So I told my aunt and uncle that a buddy of mine was going to Puerto Rico and wanted to take me. I said she was a fellow student and that her parents wanted to give her a pre-graduation gift. I explained that she was due to graduate in December.
So the day came to leave. Her hubby was out of town (I never did learn what his work crisis was), so I spent the night at her place. It was pretty wild having sex with her in the same bed she had sex with her husband in!
We woke up early and showered and got dressed and drove down to Ontario International Airport and flew down to Puerto Rico (we didn't actually flap our arms and fly, we did get in the plane).
We checked into this resort......FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!
It was awesome! We got up to our room and went at it, having more fantastic sex. Then we showered and headed down to the restaurant and ate.
The next few days were fun. Lilly, of course, slipped into what I considered her roleplaying mode, pretending like we were a couple for real. We'd take walks on the beach and hold each other's hand, that type of stuff.
One night, we were walking on the beach and she stopped and turned to me and said, "I wish I could marry you, sweetie." Yeah, yeah, blah, blah. Whatever.
Then, it got a little, well, scary.
While all this "you and me" stuff seemed so innocent back home, it really wasn't coming off that way in PR. Lilly was getting weird. She started getting mad if she thought a guy--or girl, especially a girl--was looking at me. If I left the room, she wanted to know where I had gone, shit like that.
The next day she said, "I'd be really, really upset if I found you with another woman, Alex." And, "I sure hope I'm the only woman in your life, Alex. I am, aren't I?"
And here's one for you: "This is almost like our honeymoon!"
Okay, I had had enough. The nineteen year-old blonde who thought that she knew everything didn't really know shit at all. It's humbling when you realize things like that. I shouldn't have come down with her. She was no longer annoying; she was pissing me off.
She was 32, I was 19. She was married and had kids. I was single and had no desire to even know her kids. If she thought I was her true love, she needed a fucking shrink. If she thought I was going to be intimidated in staying true to her, she needed TWO fucking shrinks.
Luckily, she had friends who had retired to Puerto Rico and they lived about an hour away. So the day after she uttered the "or else" statements, she rented a car and told me that she'd be back around dinner time with the admonishment to "be a good girl, honey."
Translation: "You're little ass is mine, so stay in our room and watch television while I'm gone, got it?"
I went back to our room and called the airlines. All flights were booked for that day, but I got a coach ticket for the next morning. I couldn't stand two more days of this shit. I didn't really feel like I was in danger, though.
I went down to the bar and got a beer while I mulled my next move. My credit card had a thousand dollar limit, and I didn't have enough room on it to rent my own hotel room after buying the ticket.
Then I saw this cute guy I had met our first day there. His name was Tom. He was from Idaho and about start college. What was cool was that his parents had taken him and his sister down there as a graduation gift.
It was so cool meeting someone my age there and we talked for awhile. He was really, really good looking and I confessed that Lilly and I were more than friends. Then I told him what was really going on.
He looked at me and said, "Get the fuck out of here. Let's get you packed. I'll be there if she comes back before you're done. She gave me the creeps the first time I saw her. You gotta go. What does your gut say?"
"It says to run, I already have my ticket. Maybe I'll just sneak out in the morning," I said.
Tom said, "No, you should get your stuff right now." He convinced me, and soon escorted me up to the room. I changed and packed my bags while he stood guard. She wasn't due back any time soon, but Tom wasn't taking any chances.
I left a note telling Leslie that I had gone home and not to contact me ever again, that if she did, I'd tell her husband and her school everything.
Tom said, "You can stay in my room. I'll sleep on the couch. Then I'll drive you to the airport in the morning."
I hated bothering him so much, but I really didn't have a choice.
I was happy to accept his offer, with one exception. "Thank you so much. But you're too big for the couch. I'll sleep there."
We went to his room and he went out to dinner with his parents. After, being the cool guy that he was, he brought me a burger and fries for my dinner. He didn't want me to go out, and was genuinely concerned about me.
I slept on the couch that night, and I slept well.
What, me in a hotel room with a cute guy and no fucky-wucky? Honestly, I really wasn't in the mood. Tom had a girlfriend back home, and while that usually doesn't make a difference to me, I didn't want Tom to regret meeting me in the future. That wouldn't be the way to reward his friendship.
The morning came and we got showered and dressed and he escorted me down to the family's rental car. But that wasn't all. He waited with me while I checked in and walked me to the security area.
We exchanged addresses and promised to keep in touch. I thanked him for everything and gave him a big hug. He smiled and said, "From now on, be careful who you meet in bars."
I laughed and said, "Yeah, I think I've learned a few things."
This guy was pure class. He didn't help me so he could get laid. He had a girlfriend he loved. He just helped me because he liked me and wanted to help. Some people are just like that. He was a good guy, and I hope his girlfriend knew that.
He watched me go through security. But he didn't leave. He waited until my flight was boarding. As I walked onto the plane, he waved, and I waved back and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. LOL
Then I saw him walk away.
I got onto the plane and looked around. I was safe. No Lilly. I breathed a sigh of relief and buckled my seat belt and enjoyed my flight home.
I got home and called Brian, and he picked me up and drove me home.
"So, you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah. Embarrassed. But okay. Should've listened to you guys."
He laughed and said, "Yeah, but chalk it up as a learning experience."
"Yeah," I said, "I've learned not to be such a know-it-all."
He pulled into an In N Out so I could grab and burger to take home. When we were back on the road, he said, "Mind a couple of more suggestions?"
"Fire away."
"Take a self-defense class," then he dug into his pocket, "and carry this with you." He handed me a little spray canister of Mace.
"This is illegal, you know."
He laughed again. "So what? If some asshole mugs you and you spray him, he's gonna sue?"
Good point.
He continued, "If you're going to keep, uh,...."
I helped him out, "Fucking around?"
"Yeah," he said, "that. At least try and be more aware of people, you know. Use your brain more, be aware of everything. If you're going to play, play smart. Don't be reckless."
All of the advice was great. I started carrying the Mace in my purse and took some self-defense classes. Thankfully, I never had to use them, but just knowing how to defend myself do a world of good for me.
And most importantly of all, I learned if it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, IT'S A FUCKING DUCK!
Or whacko. Whatever the case may be!
It all made sense, though. I mean, if I wasn't a reckless student or reckless at my job, why on earth should I be reckless with my personal life? That's when I really learned that managing your personal life was even more important that managing work and school.
Anyway, I went into my room and my answering machine was lit up like the Vegas strip. Gee, guess who?
Yeah, her.
I won't go too much into detail, but the words, "bitch", "slut", "tramp", "whore", "ingrate" and others were sprinkled in liberally through several messages.
I went ahead and changed my number and never worried about her again. She didn't know where I lived (I was always very guarded about that with everybody) or exactly which Claremont College I attended. I never mentioned Acme.
I did stay away from Robbie's for a few weeks. I hit a couple of other local places, and always made sure I was careful that Lilly wasn't around. I never did see her again.
She never hit me. She never threatened me (well, outright). But there was something not quite right with her. I hope she got some help, but I doubt it. Maybe she just went back to being mom, teacher, wife.
Who knows?
Some pics. I really loved Puerto Rico!

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