Distracting Marty during a shoot-around! I call this move
the "Pussy Decoy"!
Since I finally copped to my infidelity regarding Jilly.....
Might as well have some fun with it! Yeah, baby!
I got together with Marty for the first time (and by "getting together, I mean "fucked") about eight months into my relationship with Jilly.
Might as well have some fun with it! Yeah, baby!
I got together with Marty for the first time (and by "getting together, I mean "fucked") about eight months into my relationship with Jilly.
I met Marty in a history class in my first semester in college in September of 1987.
So I was sitting there, first day of school, waiting for the professor to come in. I was fucking nervous as can be. Then I fetl a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Marty. He laughed and said, "Miss, this is Claremont McKenna COLLEGE. Claremont HIGH SCHOOL is on Indian Hill!"
He didn't have a snarky smile when he said that, just a grin. I knew he was just joking around.
"I'm almost 17 and I graduated from high school in June. So THERE!"
He laughed. "Okay. If you want to pretend to be a college student....."
I think what happened is he sat down, saw I was nervous, and decided to take my mind off of things. I did look SOMEWHAT younger than everybody else. I didn't think that much though!
"So how does one graduate high school at 16? Double up on classes?"
"Nah. I'm a November baby. Started kiddiegarten at four and got skipped a grade along the way."
"What grade?"
"Ouch. Took you away from your friends.....and put you in a new school all at once."
"Yeah. Kinda sucked!"
Man, this guy was mega-cool. And really, really nice.
Anyway, the prof came in and did the usual first day stuff. After class, Marty said that he'd see me next time. Now as you know, I was already pretty sexually active by this point. So I thought.....maybe some fun with Marty?
Not to be. I saw a rather serious-looking girl come up and kiss him. I didn't like the vibes she gave off. Anyway, so much for fun. He seemed to really dig her and I didn't want to hit on a guy and get shot down and then have to sit next to him class after class.
Kind of an awkward thing.
But I really did like Marty as a friend. He was nice. He treated me well and was just a good, good guy. A few weeks later, I met Jilly and didn't really see Marty as a potential bedmate after that. I had been holding out hope....then Jilly came along.....
Wow. A platonic male friend! Super cool! Yay for platonic friendship!
Now, for something I've never mentioned: I loved basketball as a kid. I played it, I watched it (yay Lakers!), and even played two years in high school. I was a guard and a pretty decent one. I wasn't super-talented, but hey, I enjoyed it.
Marty also loved basketball and like me, played in high school. So we'd shoot around in the gym a couple of times a week. It was a blast. But I don't think his girlfriend, Carolyn, liked me too much. Actually, I don't think she liked me one bit.
Flash forward to April, 1987. I didn't hit the spring break scene. Fuck that. So one Tuesday afternoon I was shooting around and Marty came in. "You didn't go and party in Palm Springs?"
"Fuck no. Not into that scene."
"Same here. Shit, I can get drunk here in the comfort of my own home! That and I had to work!"
Heh. Yeah, the prospect of losing your job would be a deterrent to going to a giant drinking party. Marty worked about ten hours a week in a....oh man, how cliche is THIS going to sound?--a local coffee house that catered to, yup, local college students.
So we were shooting around and he asked how Jilly was. Jilly had really pissed me off a few days earlier--I've forgotten about what, exactly--and had flown back east to visit her parents. Then I asked where The Bitch--er....Carolyn--was. She had gone down to San Diego to see her sister.
So we were shooting around and I said, "Aw, better not overwork that wrist, Marty!"
I met Marty in a history class in my first semester in college in September of 1987.
So I was sitting there, first day of school, waiting for the professor to come in. I was fucking nervous as can be. Then I fetl a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Marty. He laughed and said, "Miss, this is Claremont McKenna COLLEGE. Claremont HIGH SCHOOL is on Indian Hill!"
He didn't have a snarky smile when he said that, just a grin. I knew he was just joking around.
"I'm almost 17 and I graduated from high school in June. So THERE!"
He laughed. "Okay. If you want to pretend to be a college student....."
I think what happened is he sat down, saw I was nervous, and decided to take my mind off of things. I did look SOMEWHAT younger than everybody else. I didn't think that much though!
"So how does one graduate high school at 16? Double up on classes?"
"Nah. I'm a November baby. Started kiddiegarten at four and got skipped a grade along the way."
"What grade?"
"Ouch. Took you away from your friends.....and put you in a new school all at once."
"Yeah. Kinda sucked!"
Man, this guy was mega-cool. And really, really nice.
Anyway, the prof came in and did the usual first day stuff. After class, Marty said that he'd see me next time. Now as you know, I was already pretty sexually active by this point. So I thought.....maybe some fun with Marty?
Not to be. I saw a rather serious-looking girl come up and kiss him. I didn't like the vibes she gave off. Anyway, so much for fun. He seemed to really dig her and I didn't want to hit on a guy and get shot down and then have to sit next to him class after class.
Kind of an awkward thing.
But I really did like Marty as a friend. He was nice. He treated me well and was just a good, good guy. A few weeks later, I met Jilly and didn't really see Marty as a potential bedmate after that. I had been holding out hope....then Jilly came along.....
Wow. A platonic male friend! Super cool! Yay for platonic friendship!
Now, for something I've never mentioned: I loved basketball as a kid. I played it, I watched it (yay Lakers!), and even played two years in high school. I was a guard and a pretty decent one. I wasn't super-talented, but hey, I enjoyed it.
Marty also loved basketball and like me, played in high school. So we'd shoot around in the gym a couple of times a week. It was a blast. But I don't think his girlfriend, Carolyn, liked me too much. Actually, I don't think she liked me one bit.
Flash forward to April, 1987. I didn't hit the spring break scene. Fuck that. So one Tuesday afternoon I was shooting around and Marty came in. "You didn't go and party in Palm Springs?"
"Fuck no. Not into that scene."
"Same here. Shit, I can get drunk here in the comfort of my own home! That and I had to work!"
Heh. Yeah, the prospect of losing your job would be a deterrent to going to a giant drinking party. Marty worked about ten hours a week in a....oh man, how cliche is THIS going to sound?--a local coffee house that catered to, yup, local college students.
So we were shooting around and he asked how Jilly was. Jilly had really pissed me off a few days earlier--I've forgotten about what, exactly--and had flown back east to visit her parents. Then I asked where The Bitch--er....Carolyn--was. She had gone down to San Diego to see her sister.
So we were shooting around and I said, "Aw, better not overwork that wrist, Marty!"
Bwhahahahaha! I'm terrible.
"Hey, maybe you should be quiet. Wouldn't want to have a sprained tongue when Jill gets back."
FUCKING OWNED! I totally had that coming! But he wasn't done.
"Shot to the tongue, and you're to blame! You give lesbians.....a bad name!"
I was rolling. Any time you can take a song from the great Bon Jovi (Bon Jovi fucking RULES) and turn it into a sexual reference.....you've done something great.
"Hey, I'm not gay, genius," I protested.
"You're not? You DON'T go licky-licky on Jill's pinky?"
"Good grief, call it a pussy like a normal guy would. And yes, I DO. And it's sooooooo good. And she goes licky-licky on mine. Then we dance around, do each other's hair, conduct a Wiccan ceremony, and have a pillow fight."
Good thing we were the only ones in the gym.
"So you're bisexual?"
"Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Only took you eight months to figure that out?"
"Well, shit dork, I've never seen you with a guy! Only her! I figured you were gay!"
"Hey, Jilly's my first girl. The rest have been guys."
"The rest?"
"The rest."
"How many?"
"Enough. How many you have before Carolyn?"
He just smiled.
"Oh," I said. Just been her and your hand?"
"Blow me, dyke!"
I just laughed.
We continued to joke around and shoot for awhile. Finally, we had had it and were wrapping it up. He said, "Grab some In N Out?"
Yes. Oh yes. In N Out. Like my husband, I grew up on In N Out, the greatest burger joint ever created. If you get to southern California (or parts of Nevada), GO THERE! Awesome burgers. Awesome shakes. Awesome fries. Awesome service. Mmmmmm......I can still taste the grease.......
Shit, I'm gonna have an orgasm if I keep thinking about it......
So we grabbed some IN N Out and headed over to his apartment. Like most kids at the Claremont Colleges, Marty came from a loaded family and they rented a nice little apartment for him near campus. We had often shot around, grabbed some In N Out, and eaten at his place.
Anyway, I said sure and we both went and showered up. I transformed from tomboy back to girlie-girl and we hopped in his car, got our grub, and went into his apartment.
We were eating and talking when he asked, "Do you miss guys?"
"Yeah. Do you?" I couldn't resist asking, of course.
"Shut up."
"Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
We continued to talk.
"Why does Carolyn hate me?"
"She doesn't hate you, Alex.."
"Please. I can tell that she can't stand me."
"Honestly, she's never said anything about you to me. I promise."
"Okay. Maybe I'm wrong."
"Maybe she thinks you're a threat or something, you know. Just a little jealous."
"Well, if you thought I was gay, she would too. Why would she be?"
"Yeah, I guess."
The was a weird feel to this conversation.
"Marty, I can't believe I'm asking this, but are you uncomfortable knowing I'm not gay?"
"No, no. You're still the same loser you've always been."
"Well, one thing," he said.
"Now it's like, if I ask you something about Jilly, right? Before it was friend to friend. Now, I don't want you to think it's like I'm asking guy to girl, you know?"
"No....not really?"
"I don't want you to think I'm asking because I'm trying to gauge your relationship.....how should I say this.....I don't want you to think I'm hitting on you or anything. Cuz we do joke around a lot."
Then I shot my mouth off without thinking.
"You hitting on me? Yeah, I should be so lucky."
That was an "oh fuck" moment for both of us. I still can't believe I blurted that out.
"Well, it's not like I haven't thought of it....either....", he said.
I kept my gaze down and said, "I've thought about it a lot." More silence. No....I wasn't going to do what I thought I was going to do. I was going to fuck up my first real relationship. How the fuck could I do that? Yeah, Jilly had been driving me crazy. Yeah, I was pissed at her. Yeah, she hadn't called since she left. Yeah, I wanted some dick. Yeah to all that. Still, I couldn't do what I realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to do.
Could I?
And what was going through Marty's mind? I think he was asking himself the same questions about himself and Carolyn. He wasn't a dog by any means. They had been seeing each other since they were freshmen. I knew she was good in bed (he had made mention of this quite a bit).
I excused myself to go to the bathroom. And when I finished what I went in there for, I was pulling up my shorts. And as my hands were around the waistband, I remember thinking that I should just leave them off. Why not? They'd be coming off anyway, wouldn't they?.
I finished pulling them up and washed my hands and then looked at myself in the mirror. I remember wondering how on earth could I even be considering this? I should just go. I should leave.
"Why," I thought to myself, "am I not leaving?"
I pulled my t-shirt off. Then unhooked my bra.
"Alex, stop it. Get dressed," said my brain.
I wasn't listening to myself. I slid my shorts and panties off. I stood there completely naked.
"Alex," my brain said, "don't open that door." My pussy was begging me to open it.
My husband references Seinfeld a lot in his blog. It's one of shared passions. When I was on the road, when it came on, we'd watch it together whenever we could. And by together, I mean I'd call him and we'd put our phones on speaker and watch. When we first met, we talked for half an hour about Seinfeld.
So I'm going to reference Seinfeld now.
There's an episode where Jerry's dating an total moron (played by Tawny Kitaen--it probably wasn't a stretch for her, either). On the physical level, he just can't resist. On the intellectual level, she repulsed him. So he was trying to break up with her and the scene flashed to his brain and dick (both played by Seinfeld) playing a game of chess. If the brain wins, Jerry breaks up with her. If the dick wins, Jerry fucks her again. The brain won and Jerry sent her on her way.
Now, this isn't to say that Marty was a moron--far from it. He was an honors student. But my brain was making her best case for me to not do something. My pussy was making her case that I do exactly what I wanted.
Guess who won?
I walked back in, stark naked (is there such a thing as not stark naked?) and Marty's eyes widened. I walked up to him and stood right in front of where he was seated.
"No one can find out, Marty. No one."
"No....no one....."
His hands were all over me. He then stood up and we started kissing.
"Stand up, Marty."
He stood up and I unzipped his pants and started sucking him. I had missed how it felt to have a hard cock in my mouth. And it felt great.
We went into the bedroom and I laid flat on his bed and he went down on me. Soon, I was telling him to fuck me. I told him I was on the pill and he slid his cock into me.
Whoa, baby. THAT felt sooooooooooo good.
It wasn't a long memorable fuck. It was a short, memorable fuck. He was on top and we just fucked hard for a couple of minutes. Soon, I was cumming and Marty came shortly after, with me encouraging him to shoot his cum into my pussy.
After we were done, I cleaned up and jumped into bed with him again. We made out for awhile and I asked, "Wanna go again?" He fingered me while I stroked him until he was hard again. I got on top and this time, it lasted a lot longer than the first one! I came two more times before he came again.
Here's the kicker: he had a date with ol' Carolyn and had to pick her up in about an hour. So I took a quick shower and dried off and got dressed while he showered. Jerry dropped me off at my car on the way. As I got out, I said, "Say hi to Carolyn for me!" He kind of laughed and drove off. I got into my car and drove home.
Marty wasn't what I considered a fuck buddy. He was a friend. And sometimes I fucked my friend. It really wasn't a regular thing, but we did have sex quite a few times.
"Hey, maybe you should be quiet. Wouldn't want to have a sprained tongue when Jill gets back."
FUCKING OWNED! I totally had that coming! But he wasn't done.
"Shot to the tongue, and you're to blame! You give lesbians.....a bad name!"
I was rolling. Any time you can take a song from the great Bon Jovi (Bon Jovi fucking RULES) and turn it into a sexual reference.....you've done something great.
"Hey, I'm not gay, genius," I protested.
"You're not? You DON'T go licky-licky on Jill's pinky?"
"Good grief, call it a pussy like a normal guy would. And yes, I DO. And it's sooooooo good. And she goes licky-licky on mine. Then we dance around, do each other's hair, conduct a Wiccan ceremony, and have a pillow fight."
Good thing we were the only ones in the gym.
"So you're bisexual?"
"Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Only took you eight months to figure that out?"
"Well, shit dork, I've never seen you with a guy! Only her! I figured you were gay!"
"Hey, Jilly's my first girl. The rest have been guys."
"The rest?"
"The rest."
"How many?"
"Enough. How many you have before Carolyn?"
He just smiled.
"Oh," I said. Just been her and your hand?"
"Blow me, dyke!"
I just laughed.
We continued to joke around and shoot for awhile. Finally, we had had it and were wrapping it up. He said, "Grab some In N Out?"
Yes. Oh yes. In N Out. Like my husband, I grew up on In N Out, the greatest burger joint ever created. If you get to southern California (or parts of Nevada), GO THERE! Awesome burgers. Awesome shakes. Awesome fries. Awesome service. Mmmmmm......I can still taste the grease.......
Shit, I'm gonna have an orgasm if I keep thinking about it......
So we grabbed some IN N Out and headed over to his apartment. Like most kids at the Claremont Colleges, Marty came from a loaded family and they rented a nice little apartment for him near campus. We had often shot around, grabbed some In N Out, and eaten at his place.
Anyway, I said sure and we both went and showered up. I transformed from tomboy back to girlie-girl and we hopped in his car, got our grub, and went into his apartment.
We were eating and talking when he asked, "Do you miss guys?"
"Yeah. Do you?" I couldn't resist asking, of course.
"Shut up."
"Why do you ask?"
"Just curious."
We continued to talk.
"Why does Carolyn hate me?"
"She doesn't hate you, Alex.."
"Please. I can tell that she can't stand me."
"Honestly, she's never said anything about you to me. I promise."
"Okay. Maybe I'm wrong."
"Maybe she thinks you're a threat or something, you know. Just a little jealous."
"Well, if you thought I was gay, she would too. Why would she be?"
"Yeah, I guess."
The was a weird feel to this conversation.
"Marty, I can't believe I'm asking this, but are you uncomfortable knowing I'm not gay?"
"No, no. You're still the same loser you've always been."
"Well, one thing," he said.
"Now it's like, if I ask you something about Jilly, right? Before it was friend to friend. Now, I don't want you to think it's like I'm asking guy to girl, you know?"
"No....not really?"
"I don't want you to think I'm asking because I'm trying to gauge your relationship.....how should I say this.....I don't want you to think I'm hitting on you or anything. Cuz we do joke around a lot."
Then I shot my mouth off without thinking.
"You hitting on me? Yeah, I should be so lucky."
That was an "oh fuck" moment for both of us. I still can't believe I blurted that out.
"Well, it's not like I haven't thought of it....either....", he said.
I kept my gaze down and said, "I've thought about it a lot." More silence. No....I wasn't going to do what I thought I was going to do. I was going to fuck up my first real relationship. How the fuck could I do that? Yeah, Jilly had been driving me crazy. Yeah, I was pissed at her. Yeah, she hadn't called since she left. Yeah, I wanted some dick. Yeah to all that. Still, I couldn't do what I realllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy wanted to do.
Could I?
And what was going through Marty's mind? I think he was asking himself the same questions about himself and Carolyn. He wasn't a dog by any means. They had been seeing each other since they were freshmen. I knew she was good in bed (he had made mention of this quite a bit).
I excused myself to go to the bathroom. And when I finished what I went in there for, I was pulling up my shorts. And as my hands were around the waistband, I remember thinking that I should just leave them off. Why not? They'd be coming off anyway, wouldn't they?.
I finished pulling them up and washed my hands and then looked at myself in the mirror. I remember wondering how on earth could I even be considering this? I should just go. I should leave.
"Why," I thought to myself, "am I not leaving?"
I pulled my t-shirt off. Then unhooked my bra.
"Alex, stop it. Get dressed," said my brain.
I wasn't listening to myself. I slid my shorts and panties off. I stood there completely naked.
"Alex," my brain said, "don't open that door." My pussy was begging me to open it.
My husband references Seinfeld a lot in his blog. It's one of shared passions. When I was on the road, when it came on, we'd watch it together whenever we could. And by together, I mean I'd call him and we'd put our phones on speaker and watch. When we first met, we talked for half an hour about Seinfeld.
So I'm going to reference Seinfeld now.
There's an episode where Jerry's dating an total moron (played by Tawny Kitaen--it probably wasn't a stretch for her, either). On the physical level, he just can't resist. On the intellectual level, she repulsed him. So he was trying to break up with her and the scene flashed to his brain and dick (both played by Seinfeld) playing a game of chess. If the brain wins, Jerry breaks up with her. If the dick wins, Jerry fucks her again. The brain won and Jerry sent her on her way.
Now, this isn't to say that Marty was a moron--far from it. He was an honors student. But my brain was making her best case for me to not do something. My pussy was making her case that I do exactly what I wanted.
Guess who won?
I walked back in, stark naked (is there such a thing as not stark naked?) and Marty's eyes widened. I walked up to him and stood right in front of where he was seated.
"No one can find out, Marty. No one."
"No....no one....."
His hands were all over me. He then stood up and we started kissing.
"Stand up, Marty."
He stood up and I unzipped his pants and started sucking him. I had missed how it felt to have a hard cock in my mouth. And it felt great.
We went into the bedroom and I laid flat on his bed and he went down on me. Soon, I was telling him to fuck me. I told him I was on the pill and he slid his cock into me.
Whoa, baby. THAT felt sooooooooooo good.
It wasn't a long memorable fuck. It was a short, memorable fuck. He was on top and we just fucked hard for a couple of minutes. Soon, I was cumming and Marty came shortly after, with me encouraging him to shoot his cum into my pussy.
After we were done, I cleaned up and jumped into bed with him again. We made out for awhile and I asked, "Wanna go again?" He fingered me while I stroked him until he was hard again. I got on top and this time, it lasted a lot longer than the first one! I came two more times before he came again.
Here's the kicker: he had a date with ol' Carolyn and had to pick her up in about an hour. So I took a quick shower and dried off and got dressed while he showered. Jerry dropped me off at my car on the way. As I got out, I said, "Say hi to Carolyn for me!" He kind of laughed and drove off. I got into my car and drove home.
Marty wasn't what I considered a fuck buddy. He was a friend. And sometimes I fucked my friend. It really wasn't a regular thing, but we did have sex quite a few times.
And he wasn't the only guy, either. But I'd have to say that he was my favorite "clandestine" sex partner.
So about the pictures you're about to see......
One day in March, in 1989, Marty and I went to shoot around early on a Saturday. He had broken up with Carolyn a few months earlier and had started dating a cutie named Emily. Jilly was down in Phoenix for the weekend visiting her aunt and uncle. Emily was at work.
After we were done, we went back to his place. We weren't sure about fucking--we hadn't discussed it--but did the usual In N Out run. We ate and a buddy of ours named Jerry (no, not my current boyfriend) came by.
Jerry was fucking awesome. Easily one of my favorite friends from my college years. So we're sitting there and we started downing some beers. One other thing: Jerry was gay.
At one point, I reached down and scratched an itch on my thigh. Jerry laughed and said, "Man, you can't even keep your hands off your pussy for a minute!"
"Shut up, loser. I had an itch!"
"Shut up yerself, dykie-dyke!"
Marty started cracking up. Jerry smiled and asked what he was laughing about.
I said, "I'm not gay, loser! I like both!"
Jerry reacted like Marty did when I told him: he didn't believe it. I looked at Marty and Marty said, "It's true, dude. She likes guys and girls."
Jerry: "How do you know?"
Marty: "Dude, we've done it quite a few times!"
Me: "Uh huh."
Jerry was in shock. "I thought you were totally gay. Everyone thinks so!"
Me: "Everyone is wrong!"
Jerry: "You two are totally bullshitting me."
Now it's important for the sake of context to remember that we were pretty drunk at this point.
I reached down and stroked Marty's cock, pulled it out, and got him hard and then slid my mouth down and up his shaft and looked at Jerry. "Cock taste good!"
Jerry: "Tell me something I don't know."
As you no doubt know by now, I LOVE being watched. Love it. And soon, well, Jerry grabbed a camera and took some pics. I was pretty buzzed. So were Jerry and Marty. We started fucking on the couch and ended up in the bedroom. Jerry was so turned on (by Marty, no doubt--and I don't blame him a bit for that) that he was trying to jack off while taking pics at the same time. I'd like to add that being fucked by one guy while watching another stroke his dick (gay or not gay) was insanely hot.
After we were done, I panicked. I begged Jerry not to say anything to anybody. I couldn't have Jilly find out. He really did love me and promised not to tell anyone. BUT.....
....he asked to keep the pictures. Said nobody would ever see them. He promised me some copies (which he obviously did).
I got together with Marty a few more times before June. Then he graduated and took a job up in Portland and we lost touch. He majored in Accounting and was originally from Oregon and wanted to move back home.
It was SO funny. He had always had that cute scruffy look I alluded to earlier. When I went to his place to tell him goodbye, he was all shaved with a haircut and everything! Sigh, kinda sucks that college has to end!
I regret losing touch with him. He was kind and he was sweet. I really liked shooting hoops with him, among other things! I hope he and Emily got married, had kids, and have had a wonderful life. He deserved the best.
Sadly, I ended up losing touch with Jerry as well. He graduated from Harvey Mudd that June with a degree in Engineering and took off for Miami. What a wonderful friend. He deserves an entry of his own.
A few months later, Jilly was on her way to New York and I was a wild single chick again (well, officially). As sad as I was to see her go, at least I could play around without worrying about being caught.
Enjoy the pics (don't worry, I was 18 when they were taken!).
One day in March, in 1989, Marty and I went to shoot around early on a Saturday. He had broken up with Carolyn a few months earlier and had started dating a cutie named Emily. Jilly was down in Phoenix for the weekend visiting her aunt and uncle. Emily was at work.
After we were done, we went back to his place. We weren't sure about fucking--we hadn't discussed it--but did the usual In N Out run. We ate and a buddy of ours named Jerry (no, not my current boyfriend) came by.
Jerry was fucking awesome. Easily one of my favorite friends from my college years. So we're sitting there and we started downing some beers. One other thing: Jerry was gay.
At one point, I reached down and scratched an itch on my thigh. Jerry laughed and said, "Man, you can't even keep your hands off your pussy for a minute!"
"Shut up, loser. I had an itch!"
"Shut up yerself, dykie-dyke!"
Marty started cracking up. Jerry smiled and asked what he was laughing about.
I said, "I'm not gay, loser! I like both!"
Jerry reacted like Marty did when I told him: he didn't believe it. I looked at Marty and Marty said, "It's true, dude. She likes guys and girls."
Jerry: "How do you know?"
Marty: "Dude, we've done it quite a few times!"
Me: "Uh huh."
Jerry was in shock. "I thought you were totally gay. Everyone thinks so!"
Me: "Everyone is wrong!"
Jerry: "You two are totally bullshitting me."
Now it's important for the sake of context to remember that we were pretty drunk at this point.
I reached down and stroked Marty's cock, pulled it out, and got him hard and then slid my mouth down and up his shaft and looked at Jerry. "Cock taste good!"
Jerry: "Tell me something I don't know."
As you no doubt know by now, I LOVE being watched. Love it. And soon, well, Jerry grabbed a camera and took some pics. I was pretty buzzed. So were Jerry and Marty. We started fucking on the couch and ended up in the bedroom. Jerry was so turned on (by Marty, no doubt--and I don't blame him a bit for that) that he was trying to jack off while taking pics at the same time. I'd like to add that being fucked by one guy while watching another stroke his dick (gay or not gay) was insanely hot.
After we were done, I panicked. I begged Jerry not to say anything to anybody. I couldn't have Jilly find out. He really did love me and promised not to tell anyone. BUT.....
....he asked to keep the pictures. Said nobody would ever see them. He promised me some copies (which he obviously did).
I got together with Marty a few more times before June. Then he graduated and took a job up in Portland and we lost touch. He majored in Accounting and was originally from Oregon and wanted to move back home.
It was SO funny. He had always had that cute scruffy look I alluded to earlier. When I went to his place to tell him goodbye, he was all shaved with a haircut and everything! Sigh, kinda sucks that college has to end!
I regret losing touch with him. He was kind and he was sweet. I really liked shooting hoops with him, among other things! I hope he and Emily got married, had kids, and have had a wonderful life. He deserved the best.
Sadly, I ended up losing touch with Jerry as well. He graduated from Harvey Mudd that June with a degree in Engineering and took off for Miami. What a wonderful friend. He deserves an entry of his own.
A few months later, Jilly was on her way to New York and I was a wild single chick again (well, officially). As sad as I was to see her go, at least I could play around without worrying about being caught.
Enjoy the pics (don't worry, I was 18 when they were taken!).

Some random pics of me and Marty.