LOL Yeah, that ain't Ryan's cock your fave blond psycho bi-bytch is enjoying! But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
The last few weekends had been fairly quiet--well, by our standards--until this past one.
The last few weekends had been fairly quiet--well, by our standards--until this past one.
The week before last, Lori called me up on Wednesday evening and wanted to bounce an idea off of me. "How about we get Nick up here for a weekend?"
"We'd love it. But he feels guilty just fucking you. Can he handle fucking five or six other girls?"
She laughed. "He's so over the whole guilt thing."
We continued chatting and Lori made a great case. Her case got me very interested in bringing in Nick. Of course, she sold Nice very, very well. When she was done, I said "I want to talk to him privately. Call him and ask if he can come up tomorrow or Friday."
A few minutes later, "He'll take a sick day tomorrow and come up."
Oh the job. Yeah, I have to do an entry on that. Fuck corporate politics! I'm FREEEEEE! Well, I will be soon. I've been burning up a bunch of personal days lately. Don't worry--I'm not jobless. LOL It's just that soon I won't be that corporate ladder climber I've been for over two decades. I've never been happier, either.
Oh the job. Yeah, I have to do an entry on that. Fuck corporate politics! I'm FREEEEEE! Well, I will be soon. I've been burning up a bunch of personal days lately. Don't worry--I'm not jobless. LOL It's just that soon I won't be that corporate ladder climber I've been for over two decades. I've never been happier, either.
Anyway, hubby was doing some work in Conyers the next day, so I knew I'd have to "interview" Nick alone. I was cool with that. Also, from what I had heard from Lori and from looking at his picture, I was very interested myself. It had been a couple of years since I fucked another guy. And I trust Lori implicitly. If my sweet redhead says something, then that's it for me.
So Nick showed up at 11 the next morning. I answered the door. And there he was. Right then, I knew he was in. Or would be. Ha ha. Get it?
I'm 39, why do you ask? (Okay, I stole that bit from my hubby's blog).
I'm 39, why do you ask? (Okay, I stole that bit from my hubby's blog).
Back to Nick.
Hoochie mama! Lexie likey-likey! I had actually planned on this just being some chatting. But....Lexie likey-likey! His pic hadn't done him justice. And I felt the return of an individual I hadn't seen in quite some time returning: horny hetero-sex loving Alex!
Hey girlfriend? Where you been? It's been a couple of years! I used to see you so much more when I was younger! Anyway, my meds kicked in and I smiled and invited him in.
Hoochie mama! Lexie likey-likey! I had actually planned on this just being some chatting. But....Lexie likey-likey! His pic hadn't done him justice. And I felt the return of an individual I hadn't seen in quite some time returning: horny hetero-sex loving Alex!
Hey girlfriend? Where you been? It's been a couple of years! I used to see you so much more when I was younger! Anyway, my meds kicked in and I smiled and invited him in.
I smiled and went to get us some coffee and KY. LMAO Okay, just coffee.
We made some small talk. We both talked about Lori, whom Nick just adores (we all do, of course, under a penalty of severe beatings). Then I got down to business.
We made some small talk. We both talked about Lori, whom Nick just adores (we all do, of course, under a penalty of severe beatings). Then I got down to business.
i asked him how he expected to handle the guilt of several women when he had trouble handling the guilt he experienced with Lori in the past.
"Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. If I already feel guilty about Lori, I doubt I'd feel any more guilty."
I shook my head. "I don't buy that for a second. I don't want some crazed wife after me if you decided to confess. Been there, done that," I laughed.
He laughed. "Yeah, I don't either. But getting sex from my wife is like breaking into Fort Knox. I'm aware of the potential guilty feelings. They'll begin and end with me."
I smiled. "Good answer. She'll never know?"
"No," he said. "It'll be my burden."
Much better answer. Spouses who stray often justify confessing by rationalizing that it's "better to be honest." What bullshit. Yeah, better for the straying spouse. He or she gets to unburden all that misplaced guilt (hey, you know my stance on monogamy) on an unsuspecting spouse. Then, the "cheating" spouse feels better and the other feels like shit.
Yeah, self-serving honesty is awesome.
I asked him about STDs, explaining that we dislike condoms and are all disease-free.
"Wife isn't interested enough in sex to cheat. And I gave blood a couple months ago and was clean, anyway."
I smiled again. "Good answer."
Then I asked about his children. I explained that nobody in our group has them (aside from Bev, and she's hubby's playmate, not the group's) and that I didn't want to take time away from them that they could be spending with him. Some might find our lifestyle distasteful or even perverse, but we've never intentionally tried to break up a family (be it on our own or together).
He assured me that that wouldn't be the case. I didn't ask for details. His family, his business.
I asked if he liked eating pussy. He smiled and said that he did. I smiled and said that he'd better like it A LOT.
I then asked why he wanted to play with us, since he already had Lori.
"You're all gorgeous. I've seen your blog. I want to experience what your hubby's been experiencing, even if it's just once."
Okay. I get that.
"You do realize that there's a difference between fantasy and reality, right?" I laughed.
He laughed and said, "Yeah, I do. Don't worry. It's something I've thought long and hard about."
"You do realize that there's a difference between fantasy and reality, right?" I laughed.
He laughed and said, "Yeah, I do. Don't worry. It's something I've thought long and hard about."
I asked him if he had any questions.
"You guys aren't into S & M or anything, right?"
I nearly choked laughing. "No honey. No whips, chains, handcuffs, watersports......none of that!"
"No pics? No offense, but I can't be photographed or put on your blog."
I smiled. "We respect discretion. I understand you have a family. We don't make movies, either. No face pics of you will be posted. Cock pics, yeah, if that's okay. Like maybe you're doing doggy and take a pic of your dick in my pussy." That made him happy.
He then asked, "What about--I don't know how to say this-his and mine....mixing....you know?"
I looked at him for a second. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh......
"Oh, cum? Okay, I get that. We'll have towels. Just pull out and cum in those. He will too."
He then asked about birth control. I told him that all the girls are either on the pill or use a diaphragm.
And one more question was cumming....
"You SURE he doesn't mind?"
I laughed. "You won't be the first guy I've fucked since we got married." I smiled. "Sweetie, we get OFF on watching each other fuck other people. Shit, he'll probably congratulate you after you make me cum."
I looked at him and asked if he had to leave anytime soon. He said no, that he had plenty of time. So I got up......
and ordered a pizza.
I walked back over. "Follow me." I figured Lori wouldn't mind her buddy Alex getting a little sneak preview.
We went into my bedroom and started making out. I then got on my knees, pulled his cock out, and started sucking and licking his shaft.
We went into my bedroom and started making out. I then got on my knees, pulled his cock out, and started sucking and licking his shaft.
I blew this guy off in the bedroom while we waited for his pizza. As I sucked him, I thought of how turned on hubby would be when I told him about it. Nick lasted a few minutes before filling my mouth up with his cum. Yum! I swallowed every drop.
"After we eat, we'll fuck. But do me a little sumtin' sumtin'." Then I got up, took my pants off, got on the bed and spread my legs. He didn't need me to tell him what to do.
Wowowowowowow! Lori wasn't shitting me. This guy was really, really good. And he loved it. He made me cum twice.
That reminds me of an old joke. How do you know that you've done a really good job at eating out a woman? When you wake up the next day your face is glazed over like a doughnut.
We ate and kicked it for a bit. Then we ate some pizza. Once our lunch had settled, we got down to some serious sex. I got eaten, fucked, eaten and fucked for two hours. And I did plenty more sucking. I was plain worn out. I loved letting him cum in me. Lori deserves a finder's fee for this guy. I was absolutely cummed out.
Why, he fucked me good and proper, he did, guv'nor!
Hubby loved hearing about it and I got fucked again that night. It was a really, really good day. Two cocks in one day and no pussy. Holy cow, it was like I was a straight nympho girl!
Anyway, Nick couldn't make it the following weekend, but he sure as fuck did last Saturday and Sunday. We emailed back and forth several times (as he and my hubby did) just to keep in touch.
I could not wait to fuck this guy in front of my husband! I love being watched, and he's always been my favorite spectator!
Finally, last Saturday came (snicker) and everybody showed up. The Adorable Avengers were already there, having NOT gone shopping (again!) and thus needing to raid our fridge. Then Ashley showed up, followed by Janine. Then Shellsie and Lori arrived.
We all started getting things going and hubby took Ashley to the couch and they started going at it. Not long after we started, Nick arrived. I let him in and kissed him hard and led him into the living room. He looked at hubby and Ashley fucking like porn stars. Ash looked up and said, "Hey, I'm Ashley. Good to meet you."
Classic. Girl's getting fucked, breathing hard, and she introduces herself. Must be the receptionist in her. LMAO
Soon hubby pulled out and came on his stomach. He nodded to Nick and went to take a shower. Bev was due soon. Nick was left allllllllllll alone with the bi-girl posse. And every member of the posse was worked up and horny.
I could not wait to fuck this guy in front of my husband! I love being watched, and he's always been my favorite spectator!
Finally, last Saturday came (snicker) and everybody showed up. The Adorable Avengers were already there, having NOT gone shopping (again!) and thus needing to raid our fridge. Then Ashley showed up, followed by Janine. Then Shellsie and Lori arrived.
We all started getting things going and hubby took Ashley to the couch and they started going at it. Not long after we started, Nick arrived. I let him in and kissed him hard and led him into the living room. He looked at hubby and Ashley fucking like porn stars. Ash looked up and said, "Hey, I'm Ashley. Good to meet you."
Classic. Girl's getting fucked, breathing hard, and she introduces herself. Must be the receptionist in her. LMAO
Soon hubby pulled out and came on his stomach. He nodded to Nick and went to take a shower. Bev was due soon. Nick was left allllllllllll alone with the bi-girl posse. And every member of the posse was worked up and horny.
Poor Nick. Poor, poor Nick.
Janine. Ashley. Me. Lori. Shelly. Mitzie. Kellie. That would be seven chicks. And we were just staring at him and smiling. I think he was surprised hubby had abandoned him. Hey, every man for himself.
LMAO Sure, it SOUNDS great. But this was Nick's first venture into group sex. And to be honest, none of us are exactly subtle.
Nick was summarily disrobed and soon we were all kissing his body, sucking his dick, kissing each other, and sliding our fingers in and out of any pussy we could reach. I was licking Nick's balls as Janine was sucking Nick's cock and Lori slid two fingers inside me and was giving me the business. Nobody can finger-fuck like Lori. Shellsie was eating out Lori's ass and pussy....and on and on.....
Hubby returned and took a seat and watched. I got on all fours and told Nick to fuck me. He slid in and fucked me hard and fast. I leaned down as I was getting fucked and ate Shelly out. I have no clue as to what the others did. I kept looking up at my hubby as I was taking Nick's cock over and over. Hubby's cock was sticking straight up. I know he would've loved to fuck one of the girls, but he wanted to save it for Bev.
And that was good. Soon the doorbell rang and there she was.
Nick was summarily disrobed and soon we were all kissing his body, sucking his dick, kissing each other, and sliding our fingers in and out of any pussy we could reach. I was licking Nick's balls as Janine was sucking Nick's cock and Lori slid two fingers inside me and was giving me the business. Nobody can finger-fuck like Lori. Shellsie was eating out Lori's ass and pussy....and on and on.....
Hubby returned and took a seat and watched. I got on all fours and told Nick to fuck me. He slid in and fucked me hard and fast. I leaned down as I was getting fucked and ate Shelly out. I have no clue as to what the others did. I kept looking up at my hubby as I was taking Nick's cock over and over. Hubby's cock was sticking straight up. I know he would've loved to fuck one of the girls, but he wanted to save it for Bev.
And that was good. Soon the doorbell rang and there she was.
Hubby walked over, leaned down a bit and said. "Have fun. See you in an hour." Bev looked at the bizarre scene unfolding and said, "Awwwwwww.....Alex has a new toy!"
You all do know how much I love this woman, right? LOL
Soon I came and it was Mitzie's turn. Quite a line had formed. Nick made me, Mitzie, Kellie, and Ashley cum before he couldn't hold his orgasm back any longer. He pulled out and came all over Ashley's cute butt.
Ash straightened up, raised her arms, and said, "Your winner and still champion, you bitches!" Yeah, after three of us had laid the groundwork, Ashley! Oh, and when her arms were raised, her thumbs were pointing down towards her. What a doofus! LMAO
Ash then ran off to take a quick shower (and then attend the mandatory press conference, no doubt.)
Ash straightened up, raised her arms, and said, "Your winner and still champion, you bitches!" Yeah, after three of us had laid the groundwork, Ashley! Oh, and when her arms were raised, her thumbs were pointing down towards her. What a doofus! LMAO
Ash then ran off to take a quick shower (and then attend the mandatory press conference, no doubt.)
Nick thought he'd catch a break after he came. Uh uh. No, no, no, no, no.
We're demanding. We are merciless. We are the Bi Chick Posse! Nick had the pleasure of eating all of us out (sans Ashley who apparently beat up several reporters), one by one. After he took care of us, we took turns blowing him.
We're demanding. We are merciless. We are the Bi Chick Posse! Nick had the pleasure of eating all of us out (sans Ashley who apparently beat up several reporters), one by one. After he took care of us, we took turns blowing him.
Shelly was taking her turn when hubby came back down with Bev and kissed her goodbye. She waved and left. At that point, Janine got up and she and hubby started fucking on the couch. They were still fucking after Nick came again (Mitzie let him cum in her mouth) and we all kicked back and watched.
Hubby looked at Nick and said, "Dude, I'm hitting her shit!"
Fucking husband. LMAO Of course, everybody busted up, especially Nick.
Janine said, "Shut up!"
Hubby looked at Nick again. "Nick, I'm getting my fuck on, brother!" Of course, Nick couldn't stop laughing (nor could Shelly, Ash, or the Avengers) and that only encouraged him. Lori just rolled her eyes. As his official girlfriend, she's heard this insanity almost as much as I have.
He was still fucking her as he was saying all this, I might add. He didn't miss a beat.
"I'm gonna install a tampon machine Tuesday and make a million!"
That was it. Janine had enough porn comedy. She reached down and grabbed the comedian's balls. "You finished, funny guy? I'd like to cum." That shut him up and he resumed his duties of making Janine a happy girl.
After she came, hubby shot his load in a towel. I love watching him fuck Janine. She likes it hard and fast, without the jokes. Janine's a fucking rock star. She rules. She got up and looked at hubby with her hands on her hips. "Tampon jokes, Ryan? You're 46 going on 12!" She then playfully shoved him and the rock star went to her dressing room to shower.
Fucking husband. LMAO Of course, everybody busted up, especially Nick.
Janine said, "Shut up!"
Hubby looked at Nick again. "Nick, I'm getting my fuck on, brother!" Of course, Nick couldn't stop laughing (nor could Shelly, Ash, or the Avengers) and that only encouraged him. Lori just rolled her eyes. As his official girlfriend, she's heard this insanity almost as much as I have.
He was still fucking her as he was saying all this, I might add. He didn't miss a beat.
"I'm gonna install a tampon machine Tuesday and make a million!"
That was it. Janine had enough porn comedy. She reached down and grabbed the comedian's balls. "You finished, funny guy? I'd like to cum." That shut him up and he resumed his duties of making Janine a happy girl.
After she came, hubby shot his load in a towel. I love watching him fuck Janine. She likes it hard and fast, without the jokes. Janine's a fucking rock star. She rules. She got up and looked at hubby with her hands on her hips. "Tampon jokes, Ryan? You're 46 going on 12!" She then playfully shoved him and the rock star went to her dressing room to shower.
As everybody settled in to chat and watch tv, I pulled Nick into another room.
"Everything cool?"
"Oh yeah, fine."
"Quit laughing. I have to live with him and those jokes! You don't know what it's like!" My plight fell upon deaf ears.
"Quit laughing. I have to live with him and those jokes! You don't know what it's like!" My plight fell upon deaf ears.
"You're right. I don't find him funny at all."
"Uh huh. Anyway, we'll have some alone time tonight."
After lunch, hubby and Nick teamed up to fuck the rest of us. Plenty of girl/girl action took place as well, of course. Around six, we called it a day and watched television and kicked back. Janine and Ashley took off (luckily, they made it back on Sunday) as did Mitzie and Kellie (who also came back down--and raided the fridge again for breakfast ).
I thought it'd be cool if hubby and Nick teamed up and we took turns getting some double penetration. I didn't pursue it, though. But that probably would've been way too much for Nick, as well as Kellie, who's still pretty new to all of this as well.
I knew Shells wouldn't go for that either (no anal for Shelly--she had a bad experience with it while trying it with her ex-husband once). Maybe sometime when it's just hubby, me and Nick (and hiopefully Lori).
I'm not too much into anal myself. The only guy I've let fuck me there is hubby. But the idea of Nick doing my pussy and hubby doing my ass....is....uh....HOT. And then watching Lori get that treatment.....
As it was, I banged Nick a few more times. I was really enjoying fucking him, especially with everybody watching. Yeah, I did share him with the others. But I was the one who got the lion's share of his cock. Poor hubby had to pick up the slack with the girls.
I thought it'd be cool if hubby and Nick teamed up and we took turns getting some double penetration. I didn't pursue it, though. But that probably would've been way too much for Nick, as well as Kellie, who's still pretty new to all of this as well.
I knew Shells wouldn't go for that either (no anal for Shelly--she had a bad experience with it while trying it with her ex-husband once). Maybe sometime when it's just hubby, me and Nick (and hiopefully Lori).
I'm not too much into anal myself. The only guy I've let fuck me there is hubby. But the idea of Nick doing my pussy and hubby doing my ass....is....uh....HOT. And then watching Lori get that treatment.....
As it was, I banged Nick a few more times. I was really enjoying fucking him, especially with everybody watching. Yeah, I did share him with the others. But I was the one who got the lion's share of his cock. Poor hubby had to pick up the slack with the girls.
Around ten, hubby went to bed. He was wiped out. Shelly and Lori went into their room for some private time. And I went to Nick's room (wife had taken their kids up to see her parents in Tennessee, so he stayed over).
"Got any left?"
We started kissing. His hands were all over my body. I straddled his hips and laid my pussy against his cock. "Get hard for me....." He did.
Fuck, it was so hot to fuck another guy. Like I said, it had been awhile. He had cum several times, so I knew I'd have that hard-on for awhile, now that I had gotten it nice and stiff.
I just kept cumming. It was like I didn't stop. One after the other. My last one came when he unloaded the last of his cum in me. I included some pics Lori took of me riding Nick further down in the entry.
I sat on his cock for several minutes, his soft cock still in me. HIs cum leaking out of me. He sucked my nipples...kissed me....felt my whole body.
I kissed him and cleaned up and left, shutting the door behind me and met up with Lori.
"Pretty good, huh?" said the redhead.
"Very. You share good, girlfriend."
"Look who's talking," she laughed. "Well, gonna get me some more before bed. Super Shelly fell asleep and your husband kicked me out of your bedroom, the bastard. See you tomorrow.""Honey, I think I finished him off."
"We'll see about that."
"Well, come get me if he can't."
And she went in to get some. And she didn't come out and take me up on my offer. She knows how to get a guy hard, just ask my hubby.
Speaking of.......
I took a shower and then hit the sheets. I was exhausted, sore, and very happy.
I want to be clear here. I have absolutely zero romantic feelings for Nick. Zilch. Great guy. Respectful, friendly, considerate, insanely good in bed.....but I'm not thinking of him in any other way than he's a great lay who happens to be a friend.
Hubby and I haven't been married for almost sixteen years (next month) by mistaking sex and passion for love. We may not be your run-of-the-mill couple, but I'd stack up our marriage against anybody's in the world. And if one of us wanted to stop the playtime, it would be fine with the other.
That's why affairs fuck up marriages. People mistake sex for love. Two married people get the hots and fuck. That's cool. But then they listen to their hormones and start dreaming of how wonderful it would be to spend their life with this person. Moronic.
Hey, how do you make a hormone? Don't pay her.
So they break up two families and set up a life together. And then they're shocked when it doesn't pan out. No shit? A relationship based almost completely on sex doesn't survive? Who would've thunk it?
The next day I was sore as could be. Not my pussy, but my back, shoulders, calves and thigh muscles were tight as shit. It had been quite awhile since I was fucked that hard, that many times. I'm used to just fucking my hubby and eating pussy, so no wonder I was hurting.
Eventually, I was able to loosen up and fuck my hubby and Nick. A lot of time was spent playing with the other goddesses as they took turns on the dueling cocks.
Yeah, I hogged Nick on Saturday. I know. I actually pulled Lori aside and apologized for that on Sunday afternoon. She just laughed and said, "Good. Fuck his brains out."
I chatted with Nick again before he left. I told him if he felt any guilt, to call me, Ryan, Lori....any of us. I also told him that if he wanted to come up and fuck me, to let me know. I reallyyyyyyyy enjoyed fucking him. I also told him that all of us would like to have him back for weekend fun when he could get away.
He and hubby really hit it off, too. I think Ryan's happy that Lori found a guy we all like, and he was especially happy that I liked Nick. I'm extremely choosy where men are concerned and he was glad that I enjoyed Nick so much. And let's face it: he ain't gonna turn down any help!
Yeah, we're weird. I know.
It'll be tough for him to have weekends like this. Wifey won't be going up to Chattanooga all that much. And while I could fuck this guy A LOT, I won't step on Lori's toes. She brought him in as treat for all of us. I'm not going to cut into her alone time with him. She's turned into one of my best friends.
But......should she arrange some alone time with hubby, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me fucking Nick like a wild she-bitch.
Rewarding hubby on Monday morning for making his baby so happy.
A good 10 hour sleep does wonders!
A good 10 hour sleep does wonders!

Here are the pics Lori took of me fucking Nick late Saturday night. Due to poor lighting, the pics aren't great, but you'll get the gist of what we were up to. LOL
Uh huh. Sighhhhh.....

Nick spreading some warm lube on me (I was a little sore at that point and needed a
bit of help).

Getting that cock lubed up....

Houston, we have a hard-on!

Landing successfully completed!

um um um um i dont know what to say here ! im in aww .yall have way to much fun !ok im gonna go sit in the corner and drool for while ..lol pete
ReplyDeleteWell, you know the old saying, Pete. A bi woman does not live on pussy alone! Or something like that..... :)