"You got sumtim' to say?"
The bastard!
Then again, he actually has been making posts lately, so maybe I should blame myself.
However, the pressure from work actually takes precedence over any pressure to get views. That's just how work goes sometimes, you all know that. Sometimes you're swamped, sometimes you aren't.
Sometimes you feel like a nut....sometimes you don't!
So what's been going on?
Here's an exciting answer--work. LOL Yeah, I know. I won't bore you with the details of what I've actually been working on.
Anyway, several days ago, I downloaded Yahoo! Messenger 11.0. Whenever Yahoo! updates, it reminds me of when AOL used to update its software: a few more bells and whistles, but nothing that really stands out. There are some upgrades, yeah, but I don't use Yahoo! that much to begin with. Still seems to have some of the same old bugs, too.
One thing that would be really nice would be the option to disable that fucking buzzer. I despise that thing. Oh well, whatever.
Anyway, I decided to check out the chats on Yahoo! for the first time in months. I hit a chat room and most of it was pretty much the same. But I did get an IM from a very nice guy. I won't divulge too many details, except that he's a Dodgers fan.
So we chatted quite a bit and he was uber-cool. Now you all know that I cyber an average of once every four years, but we were chatting about sex and I got a little hot. Unbeknownst to him, I started touching myself. Hubby saw what I was doing and came into the room and decided to, uh, give me a helping hand. Needless to say, I came, and it didn't take long.
Then I made my new friend cum. Cute guy, too. ;)
Anyway, Janey's all moved in and has been working her cute Cuban ass off. You'd be surprised at how daunting the prospect of not working for two and a half years is. Actually, you wouldn't. But she's socking away all of her money to live on. The program she's entering is just too intensive to work while attending classes.
Oh, and Mitzie? Well, Michaela (her real name) is just fine. She and her girlfriend have been living in that garage apartment for over two years now. Time really flies. We love having them.
Shelly and Lori are doing fine. They'll be spending the weekend with us. Bev is doing great. She's working so much that we don't get to see her as much as we'd like. '
My boyfriends Nick and Jerry are doing great. I wear them out whenever I get the chance! Trust me, I'm demanding of my boyfriends! But they never complain for some reason!
Okay, just wanted to check in. I'm going to wrap this up and head to bed. I wanted to let everyone know that Lexenomics hasn't been abandoned!
Take care, have a great weekend, and I'll see you soon!
Hubby took this in Florida a few years ago!