Is that a camera in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Okay, been awhile since I checked in. I'm not big on just posting an entry for the sake of posting an entry.
But I figured I could cobble enough tidbits to at least compose a respectable post. That, and I'm sure the above picture doesn't hurt. LOL
I'm currently working on three entries: one detailing my first orgasm, one dealing with the first time I got laid, and one dealing with the first time that I was somebody's "first time".
As for personal stuff, I couldn't be more excited. Our friend Janey will be moving up from Florida soon and moving into our guest house! Did I say three posts? Make it four. I have to write up something about how I met Janey in Florida back in 2004. Anyway, she's starting a new chapter in her life. She and her long-term girlfriend have parted ways--amicably--and she's returning to school.
Janey's worked as a nurse for the last several years and is moving up here to study to become a physician's assistant. Those programs are an absolute bitch to get into. It's something like two and a half years of studying and extremely competitive.
But Janey's a total brain. She double-majored in nursing and biology at Cal State San Bernardino and has hospital and emergency room experience. She's also received training in radiology.
This is no minor commitment. Over two years and sixty thousand go into training a physician's assistant. Physician's assistants perform many of the same duties as a physician, including diagnosing illnesses and prescribing medication I'm soooooooooo proud of her.
We've been--okay, me twenty percent, hubby eighty percent--fixing up the guest house for her. My hubby absolutely adores Janey (and the feeling is mutual) and has created a great area for her to set up her computer and desk.
So we'll have Mitzie and Kellie living in the garage apartment and Janey in the guest house. We never imagined something like this when we bought this property!
It's this nice big house on a nice piece of property. But it was in dire shape. But you can get things at a great price in that condition. The only things we were super-concerned about were plumbing, electricity, and the foundation. We had those things checked out pretty thoroughly and were pretty satisfied. Those are the areas that can turn a place into a real money pit.
And all that's besides the point!
If you're new to Lexennomics, I welcome you. But just a little request. Please refrain from overtly crass comments should you choose to say something. Yes, I know this is a sex blog. But just because it's a sex blog doesn't mean it has to be crude or obnoxious. If you like what you read or see, awesome. But saying stuff like, "You're hot, I'd love to fuck your hot pussy," etc... will just be deleted. Comments like that bring down everybody's intelligence.
I mean, finances are a part real life, just as sex is. But you wouldn't take your ATM card out of your wallet and rub your dick on it, would you? Rule of thumb: if you leave a comment, just imagine you're talking to me face-to-face at a party and have read my blog. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't start off with, "I dig your hot ass and wanna fuck it!"
Catch you all later!