Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just Checking In!

Sheesh.  March and this is only my third entry.  I really would like to average more than one time a month.

Uh, blog entries I mean.  Sex would be more in the double figures.  Triple figures?

So, what up?

One thing I'd like to hit on.  We're not swingers.  I hate that term.  We're not involved in any clubs or anything like that.  Swingers is so '70s.  I mean, yeah, I guess we were when we met.  I mean, we tried the couples swapping and stuff like that for a bit.  

Oh, and no, we didn't meet at a swing function. 

No, we were just basically two promiscuous people who met, fell in love, and got hitched.  I mean, our style was more to find girls and the occasional guy and have some fun that way.  Of course, not long after getting married, I started traveling for my job and we started looking for playmates on our own more and more due to necessity.

Wait'll my entry on what we did on our honeymoon!  LMAO We're soooo bad!

So yeah, now we have our own little group thing going on here.  I guess technically that would be considered "swinging", although I prefer to think of it as just not being monogamous.  Maybe I'm splitting hairs.  But trust me, we're not cruising into downtown Atlanta to check out the latest hootchie-cootchie clubs.  And if you met us in the real world, you'd think we were as normal as anybody else.

The funny thing is, I haven't really scratched the surface of some of my experiences after I broke up with Jilly and before I met hubby.  I've mentioned a couple, but I'll try to get on that more!  

I had a lot of fun.  Some of the experiences are a bit hazy in my addled mind, but I remember the important stuff.  I did get busy with some married men.  That was always fun.  So were the several threesomes with married couples as well.  And the one-night stands with the ladies.....sigh.....

Funny thing is, before I had sex the first time, I was kinda scared about the whole thing!  Then I met Jilly and so much for that.  I'm working on an entry about my first time with a girl after we broke up.  That night I went out to a gay bar and met two sweet gay guys (that we still know) who would later introduce me to hubby.  And I did get laid that night.  My first one-night stand.  Fucking awesome!  One-night stands are can't NOT like them!

I also want to do an entry on how I met my incredible friend Janey.  It's a great story.  She's such a great person.  I mean, we just adore this woman.  That apartment Mitzie and Kellie live in?  That was originally planned for Janey to live in.  It's a long story, but all worked out well for her and she ended up staying in Florida with her girlfriend Allison.  

Oh, and I have to talk about meeting Lori as well.

And I have to keep up on the entries on The Black Book Girls.  That's a bit time-consuming.  I had a lot--and that's a big understatement--girlfriends when I was traveling.  I rarely slept alone.  It really eased the stress of traveling and being away from home so much.  I have two entries up already.  They're just short descriptions of the girl, any pics I have, that type of thing.  There are far too many to really go into much depth.  Luckily, many have remained friends since my travels stopped.

Back to hubby.....sheesh!  Fine, I'll clear the record up right now:  after he graduated from Cal Poly, he enrolled in the paralegal program at La Verne and earned another Bachelor's in paralegal studies.  And he got straight A's. 

Now maybe he won't feel compelled to harass his own, poor, innocent wife's blog!

Oh, by the way, he's in Florida, AGAIN!  He'll be back tomorrow. Oh well, it gave me an excuse to go to Steak N' Shake.  I like Steak N' Shake.  And just to make sure he has learned his lesson, I bought some new drapes.   

Hey, I was right by the North Point Mall anyway!  Sometimes, a girl's just gotta shop a little! 

Kellie celebrated a birthday recently!  Yay for Kellie!  Our Miss Kellie is now 21. 

So me, hubby, Mizie, Lori and Shelly took her to Pampas Steakhouse over in John's Creek.  Kellie's SOOOOOOOOOO cute.  She didn't want us to make a big deal.  So we told her we'd take her to Tampico's. 

We lied!  Ooooops!  Hey, 21 is something to celebrate!  And Mitzie, you're birthday's cummin' up soon!  So's hubby's!  Whoooooohooooooooooo!

Note to Nick:  Lori and I expect you to return emails.  We're cool with you taking time away.  But neither of us appreciate being blown off.  We've gone out of our way to accommodate you in and out of bed.  

Remember, we own your ass, bitch!

LOL Just joking.  Nick is good at keeping in touch with us.  But what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't torment him at least as much as I do with my husband?  I mean, I must be consistent!  Being involved with me and Lori requires that you have a really good sense of humor!  But I'll try and behave!

And far be it from ME to try and influence Nick into coming back to his mistresses. Or, as he refers to us, "the cool Cali babe" and "the hot Florida chick."

You all know I'm not into being pushy....

And I know Lori feels the same way!

And we wouldn't EVER gang up on him!

I'm not big on this pic.  My ass looks fat, especially next to the crazy woman's!

Girl power!

Doing some work for Acme now.  Ain't that something?  LOL  Funny thing is, with Brenda's company, I'm technically considered her employee.  So they take out taxes, provide health, all that.  It feels like consulting, but I'm a regular employee. 

But the Acme stuff, and any other work I get on my own is freelancing.  And it's all good.  Except, of course, for the taxes and all that.  So hubby talked to his accountant out in California and she's going to handle all that for me.  This is good.  I hate trying to figure all that shit out.

I'm also getting contract work from other people/companies as well.  A lot is coming from people I met while working for Acme.  Some are former Acme employees who have moved on to other companies, and some are former clients of Acme.  Note:  I do not, and would never, solicit or work for any current Acme clients unless Acme granted permission.

Never burn bridges.

So I figured I'd better get advice on managing this consulting stuff.  And for once, my hubby proved useful.  About fucking time!


Ryan met--and somehow managed to keep his grubby mitts off of this lady--way back when he started doing paralegal stuff back in the 1890's (snicker).  He was actually in kind of the same situation I am now.  He would take assignments from legal staffing agencies (and pay through the nose) and get work on this side.  He met Lydia--who's in her early forties--about that time.

She had just gotten passed her CPA exam and wanted to start her own small practice.  Ryan met her at some Small Business Administration seminar.  True to form, he told her that he'd be happy to be her first client when she started her practice up.

And now, I'm one too.  This lady's is supah-awesome smart!  I actually met her while we were still in California.  Nice, knows her stuff, all that.  So I chatted with her on the phone and she gave me a ton of advice on what I'd need in addition to her services.  Her practice specializes in small businesses. 

Lydia rocks!  Yay for Lydia!

So you know how I keep saying never mix bidness with pleasure?  Yeah, okay then.  Here's why.

A couple of weeks ago, I flew up to NYC for a day of meetings.  I got there, checked in with my girl Brenda, and we talked for a bit in her conference room, going over a project I was on.  And who should walk in but a gentleman I had a one-night stand with many, many years ago.

Anyway, I'll go into that another time.  But we recognized each other and managed to keep it all smooth and cool.  When Brenda got up to take a call, Jerry and I were, needless to say, a bit uncomfortable.

He said, "Uh, well, uh....."
I said, "Uh, yeah...."

Then we both started laughing.

Jerry never worked for Acme.  I met him at a training seminar in Chicago, and well, dinner led to sex.  He was a great guy.  He was married and worked for a rather large automobile manufacturer (as opposed to a rather small automobile manufacturer).

And he fucked like a porn star.  Or porned like a fuck star.

Anyway, now he's also working for Brenda.  He done got a golden parachute, too!  He's no longer in T & D, having gotten into information technology a few years ago.  Actually, he was always an IT guy, but was in the training end of it.  So I should say he's gotten back into the nuts and bolts of it.  He never really did like T&D. 

So we agreed to meet for lunch.  I had some extra time before my flight left.  Jerry had his meeting with Brenda and we met up later.  We had to clear the air.

I mean, back then, it was, hey, great time, baby.  See you never again.  That type of thing. Remember what I said earlier about one-night stands?  Well, sometimes you have to be a bit jaded when the morning comes.  Odd thing was, I was the first girl he had cheated on his wife with.  But when the sun rose, he just smiled, showered, got dressed, and gave me a big hug and a thank you.

Then he left to catch his plane.  A couple of hours later (I was staying an extra day), I received a bouquet of flowers.  I was impressed, I must say.  Not bad for a rookie!  And the flowers were so, so sweet.  After getting them, I was a tiny bit less jaded.

A tiny bit.  That night, a lovely brunette named Cindy spent the night with me.  I met her at the hotel bar.  She was a software sales chick.  Married, bi, and her hubby didn't have a clue.  I'm so glad I never had to hide that from my hubby.  I had guys break up with me when I told them I was bisexual.  I expected him too, as well.  I was so cynical then.

Anyway, shit happens on the road, folks.  Trust me on this.  I've seen some really wild stuff from people I would never suspect of being wild. 

Here's the weird thing.  When you spend so much time on the road, sure, you get into routines.  You get comfortable at certain hotels, certain restaurants, and all that.  I knew the nice gay bars to find a woman when I wanted one.  

And it's almost like living two lives.  You have your work/traveling life and your home life.  And boy, for some people, they get to the point where it's so bad, they're never as comfortable at home as they are on the road.  

That never happened to me.  I always knew where my real life was, whether I was in London, Chicago, Phoenix, or Seattle.  I--we-- managed to bridge this gap by constantly staying in touch.  I always--always--knew what he was up to, who he was with,and what he was doing.  And vice-versa.  We always touched base five, six times a day, minimum.

Just because I was used to being away from home--and having my share of sex partners--didn't mean I liked it.  I always preferred being home.  That way, I had hubby AND girls!  Definitely yay for me!

Anyway, now things have changed for me and Jerry.  We're going to run into each other.  So we met up and we grabbed lunch.  We laughed about what a great time we had--and baby, it was great!--but that a repeat performance couldn't be in the cards.   

Good lunch, too.  It was so nice seeing him again.  He was always a sweet guy and treated me well. And it was nice to finally thank him for those flowers!

Doesn't it figure though?  I mean, I fuck 1,000 women on the road (okay, that's an exaggeration) and hardly any guys--and he's the one I run into.  Sheesh.  And since our projects will probably overlap in the future, it's a good thing we both agreed that what happened in the past stays there.   

Sorta like Las Vegas.

Remember me talking about Ariana in my last entry?  Well, since I'm uploading pics, here's one of her!

SO CUTE!  I just love her!

I'm out of here!  Take it easy, Lexeconomists!  Be back soon!